Monday, June 29, 2015
Conquer The Laundry
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Tide® HE Turbo Clean™. All opinions are 100% mine.
When my oldest was born seven years ago, I never imagined how much laundry one child would add to the load. I went from doing laundry once a week to several times during the week. Since then we have added a second child to the mix and now it seems as though every day is laundry day. As parents
Thursday, June 25, 2015
10 Years Blogging! - Show and Tell Friday
10 Years of Blogging!
Welcome to Show and Tell Friday! This week is a very special week for me. It's my 10 year blogging anniversary! Sorry this is sort of a wordy post but 10 years deserves that!
When I started my blog on June 23, 2005 most people didn't even know what a blog was! My very first post was of my living room and I cringe when I look at that photo now but I'll share it
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Mirror Menu Board - Show and Tell Friday
Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!
I was going to turn this mirror into a chalkboard so I could use it to write a menu out when I had friends over but I saw this great idea on Pinterest to just write on the mirror!
The one on Pinterest was for a wedding reception and they had the bride and groom's name on it with the wedding date. I decided to use that same idea for a menu board!
Thursday, June 11, 2015
The Wine/Champagne Bar - Show and Tell Friday
Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!
You may have seen this little tray table that I have next to my fireplace in previous photos but I don't think I've shared it on Show and Tell Friday before.
I've had this table for probably over 10 years now but just used it for this purpose in this apartment. It sort of came out necessity. I bought those "Celebrate" champagne glasses last
Monday, June 8, 2015
30 Brilliant Cleaning Tips
While spring may be coming to an end, the cleaning never stops. Here are a couple cleaning hacks to make your daily cleaning chores a little easier so that you have more time to do the things that you really enjoy.
1. Swifter Dust Sock
Quit wasting money on expensive swifter replacement pads and make your own reusable duster pad from an old sock. {via}
2. Remove Mildew
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Summer Decoration - Show and Tell Friday
Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!
I started bringing out my shell collection and filling dishes and jars and whatever else I can find to put them in. Nothing says summer like seashells!
Filling this tiered dish with shells has become a beginning-of-summer ritual for me!
This tiered dish has so much sentimental mom bought it when I was really little in a
Monday, June 1, 2015
Beach Themed Great Room
It has almost been a year since we remodeled our kitchen and great room!
Here was the before & After...

We did sell our old leather set and we moved our sectional from our living room into the great room.
You can see how our living room turned out HERE.
I did buy a new chair...
I found it at Homegoods and I LOVE everything about it!
I also added some ottomans...
It was so hard to find an ottoman that looked good in the space that wasn't a fortune.
It's amazing to me how an ottoman can be as expensive as a couch!
I found these at Target for $39.00.
The coral pictures were in the clearance section at Target and I got the anchor from Homegoods.
I purchased the mirror from Rod Works and I love how it looks like a port hole in a ship!
This little corner took me forever to get it to feel right.
I had this whale above the lamp...
It looks better above our door.
Then I had a single picture above the lamp and it was too small.
I found this birdcage shelf at Gordmans...
I found the frames, but wasn't too sure what I should put in them. They ended up hanging there empty for about a month.
Then I had these prints made...
They bring back good memories from a vacation we had taken to California a few years ago.
I think the room is finally complete!
Just because I always love a good before and after here you go!
I love how bright it feels!
Now, if there was only a way to turn our house into beachfront property!
Source List
Clock: Hobby Lobby
Lanterns: Michaels
Balls in Lanterns: Walmart
Pillows: Homegoods
Coral pictures: Target
Ottomans: Target
Anchor: Homegoods
Birdcage shelf: Gordmans
Frames: Homegoods
Couch: RcWilley
Chair: Homegoods
Paint Color: Pelican Grey (Benjamin Moore)
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