Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Decisions...What Color Should I Paint My House?

We are going to be having the exterior of our house painted next month.
A few years ago we painted the trim & added shutters, but now the stucco on the main portion of the house has some cracking, especially on the back of the house & could use some freshening up.
 I'm so excited, but also so confused... I don't know what color to pick!  We have been driving around looking at different houses & I've been searching the internet for ideas.

When we first moved into our home, this is what it looked like...
October 2004

This is what it looks like when we painted the trim & added black wood shutters...
May 2012 
It's amazing what painting the trim did!
You can see all the changes we've made  HERE.

I definitely want to keep the black shutters, but I can't decide if I want grey & white or a tan & white color.

Here are a few of my inspiration photos...
I LOVE the color, hardie board & the porch on this one! 
Exterior traditional exterior

Here is more of a grey color with the black the porch too!

Here is a brown color, with white trim & the black shutters.
cheap exterior home e1281401066891 4 Cheap Ways to Improve the Exterior of your Home

This is kind of a mix of tan & grey...

What do you think would look best?
I keep changing my mind...I'm not sure which would look best with our red brick.
Would you paint the brick?  Decisions...Decisions!  I'm not very good at them!!

Here it is Now...

 Click Here to see our EXTERIOR HOUSE REVEAL.

I'm sharing with these blogs:

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